Ultra-Comprehensive STDs DNA and Antigen-Antibody Check-up M14

Sex is pleasurable in an intimate relationship, yet due to misconception, it can cause Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) at the same time, followed by worry and anxiety. Regardless of age, gender or sexual orientation, anyone could be infected with STDs through different sexual encounters, including vaginal or anal intercourse, etc. Many STDs will not cause obvious symptoms in the early stage of infection, such as HlV, Syphilis and Chlamydia etc. Even if neither your partner nor yourself shows any symptoms, you are still at the risk of infecting STDs. Using a condom is relatively effective in preventing STDs, however, because of misuse or insufficient genital skin coverage, potential STD infections may still occur (e.g. skin-to-skin infection of low-risk HPV). In order to make certain having infection or not and to avoid delay in treatment, getting a STD check-up is crucial for anyone having sexual intercouse.

Men’s Health Solutions Center offers the “Ultra-Comprehensive STDs DNA and Antigen-Antibody Check-up” that covers 16 common STDs, including Syphilis, HPV, HlV, Genital Herpes, Gonorrhoea, Chlamydia, and also Mycoplasma Genitalium and Ureaplasma Urealyticum (both are the major cause of Urethritis among men). Test result will be available earliest in 1 working day. All information will be kept strictly confidential.

Test Item

Physical Examination– Medical Questionnaire 
– Blood Pressure 
– Pulse Rate 
– Body Weight 
– Height
STD Antigen and Antibody Test– HlV-1 Ag+Ab
– HlV-2 Ag+Ab
– Treponema Pallidum Antibody

– HSV-2 Antibody
– HBV Ag + Ab
STD Blood Serum Test– VDRL
STD DNA/RNA Test– Neisseria Gonorrhoeae DNA  
– Chlamydia Trachomatis DNA 
– Mycoplasma Hominis DNA 
– Mycoplasma Genitalium DNA 
– Ureaplasma Urealyticum DNA 
– Ureaplasma Parvum DNA 
– Gardnerella Vaginalis DNA 
– Trichomonas Vaginalis DNA
– Candida Albicans DNA 
– HPV (Human Papillomavirus) DNA genotyping

*Doctor consultation is not included in this plan

* Report available earliest in 1 working day

Targeted For

  • Sexually active persons or those suspecting STD infection
  • Those who have no symptoms and would like to have regular STD screening
    (A negative HlV/HSV/TP result does not necessarily indicate you are free from STD infections. Many STDs do not have symptoms at all, thus a comprehensive STD screening is recommended.)
  • Those who have UTI symptoms
  • Those who have HPV symptoms (himself or his partner)
  • Those with his partner often suffering from vaginitis, HSV, HPV or having a sore or a growth on genital organ

Importance of DNA Testing

  • Require little STD pathogens, avoid the time for culture
  • Accuracy and sensitivity higher than ag/ab test
  • Detect over 10 STIs simultaneously
  • Provide rapid result

Sample Type

  • Blood, urine and swab